All of us working together
Whether you need a bit of tutoring, learning accommodations, 或者谈谈你未来的目标和实现目标的计划, we are by your side the whole time, ready to help.
Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, and Writing Help Learn about accommodations to help you achieve
We're all about YOU
教授是一名教育者,但在南加州大学,教授的作用远不止于此. They're mentors, cheerleaders, 在你大学生涯的挑战和胜利中,还有辅导员们. 在他们旁边还有一群辅导人员, test prep, course advising, and much more.
SAU Veteran Services
Have a military connection? You have our full attention.
SAU Library
The SAU Library provides an environment that encourages intellectual and cultural endeavors; an ongoing pursuit of answers; and personal growth.
Best of all, 我们有合格和经验丰富的员工随时准备为您提供帮助,以及在校园内和世界各地可获得的资源.
Resources to Help You Succeed
The summer before you begin classes, 你将被指派一名学术顾问,他将与你会面并讨论你的教育目标.
You are more than a number at SAU, 所以,当你的导师开始问你关于你的问题——你来自哪里——时,不要感到惊讶, what you find interesting, how your transition to college life is going, 以及我们如何帮助你获得成功的第一年经验. Your advisor will walk you through general education requirements, 建议一个四年毕业的学习计划, 帮你找到一个适合你的时间表.
In addition to working with your advisor, you will take New Student Seminar, an extended orientation course. It's designed to teach you effective time management; note-taking and test taking skills; and inform you about campus resources and academic policies.
一旦你选定了一个专业并被录取, 你将开始与该部门的顾问一起工作. 你的指导老师,同时也是一名教员,在你余下的学术生涯中与你一起工作.
Many times, they do so much more. 学生和校友告诉我们,他们的导师更像是一位个人导师这种关系通常会在毕业后继续.
我们的教师在各自的领域拥有深厚的知识和经验,并愿意与学生分享他们的经验和指导. At SAU, we want you to succeed.
Questions? Contact the Advising office at or 563-333-6339.
Our Veterans Recruitment and Services 办公室帮助退伍军人和服务人员过渡到大学,并了解家属的利益.
我们还提供联邦和州福利方面的帮助,并可以将您与各种校园和竞技宝app下载资源联系起来. 我们倡导我们的学生和协调外展到当地的学校, employers, and veteran service organizations.
Veterans, current service members, 他们的家属占我们学生总数的5%以上. And according to a recent survey, 他们对加入SAU竞技宝app下载时得到的支持和欢迎非常满意.
Got a question? Contact Natalie Woodhurst at 她不仅领导着这个办公室,她还是一名资深人士,也是SAU的校友.
The SAU Academic and Career Planning 在许多方面支持学生和校友寻求一个令人满意的职业.
We help you identify and develop career goals, guide you in résumé writing, provide mock interviews, 帮你找到实习机会和专业导师. 我们帮助你与在你期望的职业领域工作的SAU校友取得联系,并在全年提供交流机会.
We also offer Handshake, a site where alums or students can post a profile, upload a résumé, sign up for on-campus recruiting, and search for work – full-time, part-time, campus jobs, and internships.
The St. Ambrose University Counseling Center provides to our students free, one-on-one support; confidential counseling; mental health screenings; and more in a supportive and collaborative environment.
我们有执照的专业咨询师可以帮助您解决您面临的问题. 联邦和州法律以及职业道德标准禁止披露您提供给我们的任何信息,除非我们得到您的书面同意. We uphold your client rights.
To make an appointment, call 563-333-6423. 如果你愿意接受校外的专业咨询, 我们很乐意为您推荐或确定合适的代理机构, centers, or private practitioners.
所有本科学生都可以获得免费的学术支持服务-辅导, supplemental instruction, and study groups – through the Student Success Center. 该中心还为母语不是英语的学生提供辅导和一般学习技巧.
我们在MySAU门户网站上方便地安排辅导. All services are provided in a low-pressure setting, 这就是为什么我们的学生会很快利用额外的帮助. 去年,学生们参观了该中心9000多次.
Our peer tutor training program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association, 一个由活跃在阅读领域的专业人士组成的国际组织, learning assistance, developmental education, tutoring, and mentoring at the college/adult level.
在SAU,所有学生都有机会展示自己的学术能力. Our Accessibility Resource Center 不会降低课程标准或改变学位要求. 它确实提供服务和合理的住宿,旨在减少残疾可能对你在传统学术环境中的表现产生的影响.
Services include academic advising, advocacy, alternative exam arrangements, assistive technology, books in alternative formats, assistive listening devices, learning disability specialists, note takers, screening and referrals, sign language interpreters, other accommodations, 员工可以充当与外部机构的联络人.
SAU的无障碍资源中心超越联邦法律,提供强大的规划和支持服务, and has been nationally recognized. This spring, ranked SAU as one of the 美国50所最好的残疾人友好学院和大学.S.